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Health Protocol

for COVID-19

Prepared by: Sashana Yates-Williams and Sue Ann Ricketts (School Nurses)


Entry to School Compound

All persons entering the school compound MUST wear a mask as per the established protocol by the Government of Jamaica.

Signs must be placed at the gate, informing persons of a ‘NO MASK NO ENTRY’ policy.

Properly fitted face masks should be worn such as surgical masks or cloth masks. Masks should cover the nose and mouth completely. In addition, students are not allowed to substitute face masks for handkerchiefs.


Each student entering the compound from the side gate should form a line standing on the 6 feet markings provided.


Each person entering the compound will have their temperature checks done and hands sanitized by security personnel. 


Awash hand station will also be placed at the gate to facilitate handwashing upon entering the [school compound.

In the Classroom

Desks and chairs must be arranged 6 feet apart.

Masks MUST be worn at all times.

Teachers will be provided with a bottle of 70 % alcohol or sanitizer so they can sanitize students’ hands before entering the classroom. 

Students should be discouraged from sharing books and stationaries.

Classrooms are to be sanitized in between classes and at lunchtime, paying close attention to high touch areas and they should be disinfected at the end of the day.

Limit the movement of students between classes, instead has the teachers come to the classroom.

The intercom will be used every two (2) hours to remind the students and staff to respect and adhere to the protocol outlined by the Ministry of Health.

Designated areas or ‘Safe Spaces’ will be provided for the removal of masks. These areas will be labeled and no more than two (2) persons will be allowed in this space at a given time. The physical distance of 6 ft. MUST be maintained.

Dismissal should be staggered to decrease the likelihood of gatherings.

The Cafeteria/ Tuck Shop

A handwashing station will be placed at the cafeteria in order to accommodate hand hygiene before students and/ or staff collect their lunches.

Physical distancing must be observed at all times. 6ft markings will be provided indicating where students should stand in line.


Signs will also be provided, reminding students of the importance of social distancing.

Members of staff including security personnel, a coordinator from each grade, a nurse (if available), and a guidance counselor will assist with ensuring that the physical distancing is maintained as there is the potential for overcrowding in these areas within the lunch period.

The Bathroom and Gazebos

No more than four (4) students should be allowed in the bathroom at one time.

Cleaning of this area will be done regularly with bleach and soap solution.

Signs and posters will be displayed instructing students on the importance of proper handwashing.

Soap dispensers should be placed in every bathroom so as to facilitate handwashing.


The Gazebo - No more than one (1) student should be allowed to sit on a bench. Signs and clear instructions will be placed in these areas.

Security personnel should be assigned to patrol these areas to ensure that physical distancing is being observed.

The gazebos should be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day, especially within the lunch period.

Management of An Ill Person

Students will be discouraged from discriminating against any person with symptoms suggestive of COVID 19, therefore educational/awareness sessions will be carried out.

Persons displaying or complaining of flu-like symptoms and/or coughing should be referred to the school nurse or the nurse should be called to see these persons.

The area where these persons were seated is to be disinfected.

If a student or staff member has an elevated temperature reading during temperature checks at the gate, the nurse should be contacted i.e. Temperatures of 99.5° F OR 37.5° C or above.



The patient will be accompanied to the isolation area by a nurse and a history will be taken. In addition, the parent or guardian will be contacted and/ or the St. Catherine Health Department.



If the child is referred to the Health Centre and a COVID 19 test is done, the nurse MUST keep in contact with the Public Health Nurse at Health Department for the result. If positive, if the principal should be notified, contact tracing was done and deep cleaning and sanitization of the school carried out.

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